Warhorse wasn’t exaggerating: the 1.2 update for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is huge. We’ll summarize everything in the download.
Patch 1.2 for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is now available for download and, holy cow! The patch notes amount to a whole novella.34 pages full of balance changes, new content and bug fixes– Warhorse had already announced that it would be their biggest update ever.
Hotfix for Patch 1.2: Since some players experienced problems after the huge update 1.2, Warhorse immediately pushed a hotfix. It is now available for Steam and Epic and is around 5 GB in size.
So you don’t have to spend the next two hours wading through the list of all the new features, we’ll summarize the most important information for you. On page 2 of the article, you’ll find the most interesting patch notes and a link if you actually want to read all of them yourself.
How big is the download? The update 1.2 weighs in at a whopping 63 GB on Steam.
Highlights from patch 1.2 for Kingdom Come 2
Barber: From now on, Heinrich can get a haircut and a beard trim. There is a barber on each map: one in Zhelejov and one in Kuttenberg.
Fast travel point at Bozhena’s: You’ll never have to trudge through the forest to visit the herb woman again. Instead, you can now fast travel directly to her hut.
No more “Stunlock” when drawing a weapon: Previously, Heinrich was interrupted when drawing a weapon if he was hit by an opponent – which was pretty bad for his health. Now that’s been fixed. However, the opposite has also been reversed, so your enemies can now also draw their blades while you’re thrashing at them!
New Wedding Guests: After patch 1.2, you can meet the singers Udo and Jürgen at the wedding in Semin.
Easier to sneak around: The stealth system has been rebalanced. You will also find new equipment in the game that is specially designed for sneaky players.
No more W-warnings: The message that you don’t have to hold down the W key when fast galloping now only appears once. And not every time you ride out.
Drunken Running: Heinrich can sprint while drunk starting in patch 1.2. Use at your own risk.
Controller-Steuerung: We made a few tweaks here so that you no longer accidentally open photo mode, for example.
Bug Fixes: We don’t have the space here to list them all, but you can find more details on page 2. The patch fixes graphics bugs and also takes care of many little things that could be annoying in some quests. For example, fighting Menhard at the Kuttenberg Tournament was sometimes considered a crime.
Further changes: Again, just a few interesting examples, there are just so, so many.
The most important patch notes for update 1.2
For the complete patch notes, follow this link to Warhorse’s website
New content and small innovations in patch 1.2
- Introduction of the barber function. Try it out in Zhelejov and Kuttenberg!
- A quick travel point has been added to Bozhenas Hut.
- New clothing and equipment items specifically for stealth gameplay have been created and the stealth values for all clothing items have been rebalanced.
- The clothing of several unique characters has been improved with additional details and refinements.
- Added the option to repair bows and crossbows for more NPCs, especially hunters.
- Added a marker for Mutt on the map and in the compass when the player sends Mutt to Zhelejov/Devil’s Den.
- Added a note to item descriptions indicating that they can be sniffed out by Mutt.
- Added the option to bury Ranyek.
- Added option to enable NVidia DLSS 4 Super Resolution.
Combat Changes
- Increased damage from hits in multi-hit combos.
- Added proper facial animations for Henry during the mercy kill.
- Adjusted the animation of drawing the bow while in motion.
- A hit no longer interrupts the player when drawing a weapon.
- Adjusted the animation of the free attack when holding a torch.
- Adjusted the animation of a dog attacking a target holding a ranged weapon.
- Improved the animation for switching to aiming with the crossbow.
- A slight delay has been added between the melee attack on an opponent when they are not targeted, in order to reduce the effectiveness of attack spamming.
- The animation of the player being dragged by the horse in combat has been adjusted.
- Adjustments to some sound effects such as hits on the shield or firing the crossbow.
- The player can no longer retreat as easily from attacking enemies thanks to the slowing effect on hit reactions.
- The animation of NPCs firing crossbows has been improved.
- The damage type for master strikes has been correctly adjusted when deciding whether to use slashing or piercing damage.
- The damage of the upper master strike with a short sword and shield has been adjusted.
- Adjusted the limit of the free-fighting function in combat.
- Fixed various freezes after causing massive chaos in Kuttenberg.
- Fixed the problem with missing audio responses for attacks and hits.
- Fixed issues with disarming NPCs or players who should have died from a grapple hold.
- Fixed occasional infinite fading after going down in a fist fight with low health.
- Fixed issue where players holding a ranged weapon would be knocked back long distances by unarmed opponents.
- Fixed NPC logic for when to use a flare in unarmed combat.
- Fixed the alignment of the animation when the player steps back when blocking with a shield.
- Fixed the problem with the additive animation of the NPCs for the torch when fighting a dog or wolf.
- The chat option to give up was sometimes overlooked.
- Camera problems in unarmed combat with dogs/wolves have been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs would not die properly when running away from the player and being hit by a tackling attack.
- Fixed an issue where players would flail in the air during an attack sequence while clinched if the opponent was killed by the first blow.
- Some battle cries did not play properly during fights.
- Fixed NPCs being indecisive about whether to link, fight, or run away in combat.
- Fixed dying enemies still looking at their opponent.
- Fixed the issue where NPCs would improperly equip ranged weapons when engaged in melee combat.
- Fixed the issue where players could indefinitely interrupt the animation of NPCs drawing weapons by attacking them.
- Corrected the audio for clinch fighting.
- Corrected the missing audio when parrying an attack while in a clinch.
- Wolves and dogs do not transform properly into ragdolls under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where the player can rotate the camera 360° vertically while using the clear view and holding block during combat.
Important balance changes
- The rate at which food spoils over time has been rebalanced.
- Armor durability has been rebalanced; the durability range is now wider, making minor differences between armor more readable.
- The formula for triggering a blackout through drunkenness has been rebalanced.
- Stealth items have been rebalanced.
- The price of meat and other items that can be looted from animals has been rebalanced.
- Balanced the difficulty of pickpocketing from NPCs.
- Balanced the amount of damage each armor layer receives.
- Balanced the influence of an item’s quality on its price.
- Horse equipment prices rebalanced.
- Jewelery prices and values rebalanced.
- Item weight rebalanced.
- Balanced the convenience of learning at inns.
- Changed the distribution of ranged weapons in shops and other locations.
- Changed the stats of the Valiant Hunter equipment set.
- Slightly improved the loot from chests in some bandit camps.
- Reduced the prices of skill trainers.
- Reduced the total value of the contents of caravan chests.
- Reinforced polearms.
- Shields have become cheaper.
- The price at which players can sell herbs has been increased.
- The showiness of items has been recalculated based on their appearance.
- Fixed incorrect display of an item’s maximum charisma when the item is dirty.
- Made several locks in the Trosky region easier to pick for a smoother leveling curve.
- Locks on chests that primarily contain food are now easier to pick.
- Adjusted the difficulty of picking locks on some horse trader chests.
- Fixed exploit related to a chest with a balanced dice that could be exploited when restocking.
- Fixed incorrect arrow damage values.
- The Blacksmithing mini-game has been generally rebalanced.
Bug fixes for the main quest (possible story spoilers!)
Back in the Saddle
- The race no longer automatically fails if too many races are started and finished in quick succession.
- Posy and Tugbone no longer occasionally sleep with dead Cumans in their bed after completing the quest.
- Fixed Jan von Zimburg occasionally being attacked by the Cumans’ looters while he is talking to Henry.
- Fixed a debug string appearing when talking to Jan of Zimburg.
Besieged - The battle has been rebalanced.
Civitas Pragensis
- Adjusted difficulty for the fight with Erik.
- Improved dialogue cameras when talking to Hans and Kubyenka.
- Improved consistency of NPC clothing.
- Removed redundant NPC in the camp.
Dance with the devil
- Improved NPCs shooting from the fortress walls.
- Improved particles at Maleshov.
- Improved transition of the hiding animation of the player’s allies.
- Improved behavior of enemies.
- Improved loot.
- The problem where characters sometimes appear later than intended in cutscenes has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug where von Bergow was unclothed when loading a savegame from an older version of the game.
- Fixed a bug where the quest would get a softlock if the player stayed at the edge of the quest area while Hans was setting up a ladder.
Divine Messenger
- Players can no longer leave the closed area at several points.
- Godwin can no longer start the blacksmithing or alchemy mini-games.
- Butterflies have been removed from the meadow to improve the bleak atmosphere.
- Additional NPCs that sometimes came to the meadow have been removed.
- Improved atmosphere.
- Improved fortress tour with Erik.
- Improved dialogues.
Easy Riders
- Players can no longer stealth-kill the bandits in the forest.
- Fixed a lead that allowed players to return to camp through a boundary.
- Adjusted a goal trigger in the rock maze.
- Improved the bandits’ vision and hearing in the forest.
- Added an automatic trigger for a conversation with Hans when they reach the maze at the same time.
- Improved the girl’s reaction to the pebble being thrown.
- Improved the alignment of Henry and Hans at the tree trunk down which Hans slides.
- Adjusted the path of a bandit in the rock maze.
- Hans’ run up the hill in the forest has been improved.
- Fixed a repeating line of dialogue from one of the bandits in the forest.
- Fixed bandits in the forest sometimes getting stuck when distracted by a thrown pebble.
- Hans no longer runs through the bushes at the end of the maze.
- Hans no longer occasionally stops and then continues running in the forest.
- A line of dialogue from Hans in the massacre cutscene has been corrected.
- The riposte symbol shown during the tutorial for perfect blocks has been corrected.
- Some plants in the massacre cutscene have been corrected.
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